Saturday, 23 September 2017

Robotic Process Automation RPA Interview questions

Robotic Process Automation RPA:
Robotic Process Automation is the process of automating the manual tasks done by a user using an automation software.
The following is the list of Robotic Process Automation Interview Questions:
Robotic Process Automation
Robotic Process Automation
  • What is Robotic Process Automation?
  • What are the Types of Automation?
  • What is your role in the project?
  • How to identify whether a process is automatable or not?/ How to check feasibility of Process?
  • SDLC Process of automation project?
  • How do you gather requirements for automation process?
  • What are the challenges in automation?
  • How do you measure automation? Calculation  effort vs estimation?
  • What are the deployment methods used in automation projects?
  • What is the version control used?
  • How do we test an automation process?
  • How do you fix issues in automation process?
  • Benefits of automation?
  • How do you handle Change management?
  • Disaster recovery mechanisms used in automation process?
  • Exception handling in your project?
  • Generating reports and statistics?
  • Attended vs Unattended automation
  • OCR and different screen scraping techniques?
  • Excel automation, PDF automation
  • Killing a process in automation?
  • How to handle dynamic Id's of controls which are not recognizable by the tool?
  • Use of vbscript, javascript, powershell?
  • How to use dll(third party) in your automation?
  • How to create custom activities for your automation?
  • How to increase performance of automation?
  • How to call webservices in automation?
  • Database interaction in automation? Related activities?
  • Sending, Receiving emails?(SMTP\IMAP)
  • How to handle page load (latency) issue?
  • What is default timeout of activity? Can we set timeout?
  • Can we perform operations on backend window?(Not visible window\minimized)
  • How to click a link on table in a particular row based on another columns value?
  • How to safegaurd data that is used in automating?
  • What is citrix automation? Challenges in it?
  • What are the activities used in citrix automation?
  • What is mainframes automation? How do we achieve?
  • How do you handle different resolutions in automation?
  • Can you explain architecture of automation project?
  • What do an solution design document contains for RPA project?
  • What is front office vs  back office?
  • How do you log error messages?/
  • How do you do root cause analysis if an exception occurred?
  • Can we run multiple instances of your robot?
  • What is the production support model followed in your project?
  • Can you tell the use of any parallel activities?
  • Fine tuning selectors? Full vs partial selector?

I will update more specific and in-depth interview questions in my next post.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Folder Lock

 When you are in light everybody follows you,but when you are in darkness even your own shadow will not follow.-Adolf Hitler

How to Lock a Folder without any software

1. Create a folder and place the data which you want to hide. We will lock this folder.

By Mukesh
Ex: amk folder(let)

2. We have to create two other files one for locking and another for unlocking. Let us say them as Locker and key respectively.

3.To create Locker file open notepad and type as follows

ren amk amk.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

Here amk is the folder to be locked.
Now save it as “Locker.bat”

4. To create Key file open notepad and type as follows

ren amk.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} amk

Now save it as “Key.bat”

5. Now double click on Locker to lock the folder “amk” , this is that it turns into control panel.

6. To unlock double click on Key.

               Move these Locker and Key to another directory so that no one can open your locked folder.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012


“Only a life lived for others is a life worth while.” -Albert Einstein.

Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages, Images, Data .etc in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the Data, a form of security through obscurity. By using this trick your data will get hidden into any image of your choice without reducing its quality, In following tutorial i will show you how you can Hide Data Behind Images without using any software

By Mukesh... Hide Data Behind Images Without Using Any Software
1. Create a folder in your C drive and name it as “hide

2. Copy all the images you want to hide and also the image behind which you want hide into this directory.

3. Now select the images you want to hide and add them to archive i.e keep them in winrar.

Now you will see one more file named “hide.rar” in your directory.

4. Now open command prompt and change your root to your current directory as shown in the figure and type the following command.
          Copy /b aish.jpg + hide.rar output.jpg

  • Here “aish.jpg “ is the image behind which you want to hide.
  • “hide.rar” is the file of images to be hidden.
  • “output.jpg “ is the output file that we want.
After executing the following command, we will see an extra image called “output.jpg” as shown in the figure.

Now you can delete all the files except “output.jpg”.If you double click the file, it opens a normal image. But you can see the hidden files by opening the file with winrar.

This tutorial can be used for any type of files like mp3,wmv,txt etc

Saturday, 21 January 2012



                  Narsapur is situated in west godavari district beside the river vasista Godavari,its main center is 15km far from the Bay of Bengal.Narsapur is the endpoint as it was the last town probing in that route.
                  Majority of the people depend on agriculture.Lace is famous in the surroundings of Narsapur.Another important aspect is that jewellery shops are famous in Narsapur. Narsapur consists of people belonging to many castes,tribes,and even colors,but they live as one here.

Want to know more about Narsapur then please click the below link.

More information about NARSAPUR

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation - RPA                       Robotic process automation is the trending technology where soft...